History likely will remember Eddie Calvo as among the greatest, if not the greatest, governors of Guam. But aside from the avarice of some in his not-so-immediate family who muscled in on big contracts, he had a handicap: Ray Tenorio, his lieutenant governor.
Like so many politicians before and since, Mr. Tenorio accumulated power and influence throughout the governor’s two-term tenure. Had providence not intervened one July evening in 2018, Tenorio would have been elected our governor. The scruples and ethics and commitment to the rule of law that had been metabolized by every passing day and year he remained in power would have led to the most corrupt and dangerous administration in Guam history.
That’s right. We, the voters (not me, though. I was among his victims on his rage for power, and so I knew better), would have elected him. It took Mr. Tenorio grabbing a gun from a police officer at that July block party to convince enough of us that he wasn’t fit for office.
Had that not happened, most voters would have dismissed or not even thought about one critical caution: very few politicians possess the ethical spinal cord to stay in office and not be corrupted by its spoils. Translation: It is increasingly dangerous to keep reelecting arrogant people.
As I look at the 14 incumbent senators seeking reelection to the 38th Guam Legislature, I see at least two Ray Tenorios, and they happen to be proteges of the former lieutenant governor who very much supported his election for governor despite what he did and what he obviously wanted to become: Joanne Brown and Telo Taitague.

Ms. Brown and Ms. Taitague were not always the toxic banes of the legislature. There was a time when Joanne Brown was the voice of transparency and anti-corruption. That ship sailed when she took 11 illegal pay raises in a six-year period as seaport general manager, a fact reported in an independent audit by the Office of Public Accountability.

There was a time when Telo Taitague was a voice for small businesses and people just trying to get by. That was a long time ago; an era she has since replaced with tasteless antics, GVB-reported evidence that she stole a Michael Kors purse from the agency when she was its deputy manager, and a recent accusation that she assaulted a process server at the Guam Congress Building.
Whatever your thoughts are on these two elected officials (and I’m among their critics), reasonable people should admit that they served our island, they sacrificed for Guam, and they contributed. But that was a while ago. They’ve lost their touch. Their purpose has changed from reform to obstruction and petty derision. In short, they’ve been in office too long.
It’s time to replace them with new blood.
You might feel the same about other incumbents for your own reasons. I feel this way about Brown and Taitague because they’re very obviously the problem in this 37th Guam Legislature.
There are options. If you want to see a Republican majority, there is new blood trying to get your attention. Republicans have a strong slate of new candidates that include Shelly Calvo (Eddie Calvo’s sister in law), Sabrina Salas Matanane, Bistra Mendiola, Shawn Gumataotao, Tony Ada, Bill Payne, Vince Borja, and Vic Gaza.
Despite my reservations about Senators Brown and Taitague, I still don’t believe in term limits. There have been multi-term senators who have kept their feet to the ground and never lost their connection to our people. Statesmen like Tony Unpingco, Elizabeth Barrett Anderson, Madeleine Bordallo, and Ben Pangelinan were models of what it meant to be and to remain a public servant.
Joanne Brown and Telo Taitague are not that. They are mean and tired. They are toxic and self righteous. And much like Ray Tenorio, they have lost their way in a labyrinth of wanton designs for power. Voter beware. I was right about Ray Tenorio. I think you know in your heart of hearts that I’m calling this one right as well.
10/25/2024 at 3:59 PM
Hell yeah!!! I’ve been saying the same thing since like two elections ago. Why are they still there? They are the most useless senators I’ve ever seen!! They need to go home and stay there!!!!
Christopher Dennis
10/26/2024 at 2:51 PM
We could sure use Eddie right now, but he did more than most so I totally respect any decision he makes. Plus, he and the family and a lot of our island are in mourning to one level or another but whether you know or even like it, That family impacted our lives more than we know in a most positive way. They are not as spoiled as many think. I got this from many quality sources.
But, Puedi, kalan 4 more? 😉
As for Ray, I always felt he Majorly Over-Achieved relatively speaking, but I guess we now know how.