The Adelup 6 soon may become the Adelup 5 after Sen. Dwayne San Nicolas publicly stated his support for the override of Bill No. 12.
The legislation by Speaker Therese Terlaje will require the governor to receive legislative approval for any lease she wants to enter into with the federal government. The legislature unanimously passed the bill in February. Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero vetoed the bill in March. Senators on March 30 attempted to override the legislation into law above the governor’s objections, but six senators changed their minds after receiving tremendous pressure from the governor herself.
One of those six was Mr. San Nicolas.
Senators today are debating the override again. And, this time, Mr. San Nicolas said he supports the override. The debate is continuing at this hour. If all nine coalition majority senators vote for the override along with Mr. San Nicolas, Bill. No. 12 will become law automatically.
If that happens, the new lease proposal Admiral Benjamin Nicholson gave to Ms. Leon Guerrero yesterday for GovGuam to lease Eagle’s Field for $10 million will not be legal, unless senators say so and the attorney general signs it before the governor does.