High school freshman Vincent Salas, a son of Guam living in California, is competing in the 2024 Daily Press Fan’s Choice Preseason Boys Soccer Player of the Year. The Victorville Daily Press is a California-based newspaper of general circulation.
Mr. Salas, whose grandmother is public school teacher Gina Call of Barrigada, is competing against 187 others for the title.
The winner of the competition is based on online votes. Simply click here to go to the page where you can vote, then scroll to the bottom of the boys’ list, where you will find his name. Click on his name, then click “Vote.”
Mr. Salas is the eldest son of Army Master Sergeant Christopher Salas and Michele Salas from Sinajana, and they are currently stationed at Fort Irwin.
He is a freshman at Silver Valley High School, which is located in Yermo. He plays striker on their varsity soccer team and also plays on a competitive club team called DCSC out of Barstow. He is 14.
Danny Leon Guerrero
12/24/2024 at 3:39 PM
Yes . Vincent Salas. Proud of Him!Voted for him!
Danny Leon Guerrero
12/24/2024 at 3:40 PM
GO Vincent ! Win it all! Rooting for you.
Love Uncle Danny LG . Guam !