A personal story of sex, drugs, and the Archdiocese of Agana
For 29 years, I have wondered how the multiple rapes I endured as a Saint Anthony School student by a teacher affected me. I was a drug user for most…
For 29 years, I have wondered how the multiple rapes I endured as a Saint Anthony School student by a teacher affected me. I was a drug user for most…
The Guam Board of Medical Examiners lost the complaint a woman filed against Dr. Ugochukwu Akoma. Staff from the GBME office within the Health Professional Licensing Office of Department of…
A woman, who once worked for Dr. Ugochukwu Akoma called Kandit after watching the account of “Susan,” saying, “I believe her.” She then broke down in tears admitting, “because it…
A whistleblower from the Torres-Palacios 2018 transition committee submitted a report to Gov. Ralph Torres that, among other things, corroborates the allegations of sexual assault made by a female Department…