BREAKING NEWS: FBI at the Bank of Saipan now!

Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation are at the Bank of Saipan at this hour. The agents, seen escorted by Bank of Saipan president John Arroyo and others, are pictured below.
Bank of Saipan is the administrator of the controversial Building Optimism and Opportunities for Stability Together (BOOST) grant program by the Torres administration. The program is federally funded.
The Commonwealth Legislature is investigating reports that the Torres administration has used the program as both a political tool and weapon.
Bank of Saipan employees told Kandit they are not allowed to speak about what is happening.
This is a developing story.



      12/19/2022 at 1:14 PM

    john &roy arroyo, kiyosi cody, karen kalen, edward geurreo, jesus taisugue, and all your co-conspirators get READY FOR THAT FEDERAL INDICTMENT~!!!

    • Steven C. Farmer

        12/19/2022 at 5:28 PM

      There you go again – attacking and accusing people you don’t even know.

      Weren’t you convicted in Wisconsin of receiving/concealing stolen property in 1995 and domestic assault in 1997, and weren’t you deported from Japan for violating Japan’s Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act? Weren’t you declared “Persona Non-grata” by the CNMI Legislature for maliciously filing numerous labor claims against various businesses in the CNMI and expressing violent and threatening nature to such businesses and employees of the CNMI Department of Labor? If you weren’t let us know. Otherwise, who are you to throw rocks at anybody?

      • You should know better that people who speaks that language are either was there or just plain good sense. I personally, think that Zaji is right all along. Do you think the feds were just collecting documents to scare people? Steven Farmer, wake up and smell a good coffee. Crooks should be dealt with accordingly. Don’t you think so?

  • This bank just can’t seem to keep it honest. First, it was Tomas Aldan and his buddy Montgomery..both served time in fed pen for wire fraud and now possibly Arroyo:). Will Castro also tried to pull the wool over the JGO last monday by testifying he does not know who owns the Bank of Saipan. This two term Guam Senator who also served the former Governor Calvo as his Director of Statistics and Planning has no clue the the Calvo’s own the BOS? Judging Castro’s ego and narcissism, this guy will smile and wink even at his own grand jury proceedings. Some may describe it hubris, others may call is dangerous overconfidence. There is definitely a nexus here between Castro, Calvo, Arroyo and Torres.

  • jack elliot

      12/20/2022 at 1:22 AM

    it takes one to know one , and because you stated with evidence of his criminal record, zhaji does know a criminal wheerever there is one, so no point in claiming that cast-the-first- stone Bible rhetoric here, this is about pure political corruption by those adults who choose to take part in it

  • I was at the bank I saw the long lines of sincere people thinking and feeling blessed that some how, they might get a little help..But after hearing where the money went, I am broken..deep down I’m hoping this didn’t happen . My heart really hurt. I didn’t see this coming.. Thousands given to friends & and family…what hurts the most, The White House send that money to help all of us! So you stole from your neighbor.

  • You should know better that people who speaks that language are either was there or just plain good sense. I personally, think that Zaji is right all along. Do you think the feds were just collecting documents to scare people? Steven Farmer, wake up and smell a good coffee. Crooks should be dealt with accordingly. Don’t you think so?

  • Pedro Dela Cruz

      12/20/2022 at 5:33 PM

    If I am correct, Bank of SAIPAN is not an FDIC insured banking facility in the Commonwealth. Federal law requires banks to be insured with FDIC to receive Federal funds as deposit.
    Secretary of Commerce Edward Leon Guerrero is the Director of Banking as per CNMI Statute. The Department of Commerce regulates banking activities and as such Secretary Leon Guerrero should be aware of this federal regulation. Bank of Saipan receiving federal funds is a federal violation.

    I would assume this is one of the reason the FBI is involve among other matters.

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