Child molester gets 10 year jail sentence

The following is a news release from the Office of the Attorney General of Guam:


Barbosa Sentenced to 10 Years In Prison For Touching Teen While She Slept
April 05, 2022- Tamuning, Guam- Athen Trickson Barbosa will spend the next 10
years imprisoned at the Department of Corrections (DOC) following his sentencing
hearing in Judge Vernon P. Perez’s courtroom this afternoon.

The defendant was convicted of Second Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct as a First
Degree Felony in January 2022 for touching the genital area of a 13-year old while
she slept in the living room.

Prosecuting Attorney Sean Brown -who argued for the maximum sentence of 10
years- said, “We are pleased with the sentence handed down by the court. The
message is clear: don’t touch children.”

The defendant must register as a Level I sex offender on the sex offender registry
and must serve a three-year parole term following his release from DOC.

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