The attorney for the Democratic Party of Guam posted a sample democrat ballot for the primary election on her Instagram feed, with the caption, “screenshot it & go vote early at Westin.” But it’s not simply a sample ballot.
The sample ballot she encourages voters to use crosses out the gubernatorial team of Congressman Michael San Nicolas and Sabrina Salas Matanane, and congressional candidate Sen. Telena Nelson.
On the senatorial side of the ballot, Ms. Williams crossed out the names of nine of the 21 vying to make it onto the general election ballot. The names she crossed out include: Speaker Therese Terlaje, Jonathan Savares, Chris Barnett, Sen. Joe San Agustin, Sen. Amanda Shelton, John Ananich, Dave Duenas, Franklin “Bunker” Meno, and Armando Dominguez.
According to Democratic Party of Guam executive director Chirag Bhojwani, this list does not necessarily reflect the party’s position.
“Yes, attorney Williams is the Democratic Party of Guam’s attorney,” Mr. Bhojwani said in a statement. “She is smart, opinionated, and active on many issues, especially a woman’s right to choose. The party respects her opinion and her choices for the democratic primary election.”
Pressed further on whether the sample ballot Ms. Williams posted does not reflect the party’s position, Mr. Bhojwani added, “Vanessa’s expression of who she is considering for her vote is hers, it is not the party’s position.”
But this would not be the first time the Democratic Party of Guam this year would try to control the outcome of the primary election, which determines who advances to the general election in November to challenge the republicans.
The party in March attempted to close the primary election to democrats only, disenfranchising 95 percent of eligible voters from participating in the decision of who should advance into the general election. In late April, Mr. Bhojwani, Ms. Williams, and party chairman Tony Babauta met with Guam Election Commission executive director Maria Pangelinan, where Ms. Pangelinan told the party leadership there just was not enough time to change the format of a 52-year-old tradition.
07/31/2022 at 5:43 AM
The local Democratic Party has modeled itself after it’s national counterpart. Full of deceit, fake narratives, disregard of the intelligence of its voters, and pure manipulation of the voting process! Shame! Shame! Shame! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
Conrad Bascon
07/31/2022 at 8:07 AM
Listen here Mr. Bhojwani! The Democratic voters are not stupid. The damage is done so stop trying to pacify the situation. Ms. Williams actions are just a few if not many of this are administration has portrayed. Puru ha para siha. Taya para i pumalu. Maybe they should consider changing their slogan. I have seen and heard what this administration is doing to garner votes. I challenge you Mr Bhojwani if you beg to differ. So to the people of Guam, I urge you to please exercise your right to vote this upcoming primary election. Biba todu Democrats!
07/31/2022 at 8:08 PM
We’re just corrupted as the Torres administration of Saipan.
Julie Perez
08/01/2022 at 12:53 PM
Thought only unruly teenagers would behave this way! Shame on Ms. Williams. She’s a total disgrace and should be ashamed of herself! I wouldn’t hire her if I ever needed an attorney!!