Editorial: No gag orders! The public has a right to know in the corruption investigation

There is something suspicious about Rep. Marissa Flores’s push today for a gag order at the first meeting of the legislative corruption committee. Never in the history of the American republic has there been a positive outcome from a call to limit public access to public information. But, that’s exactly what Ms. Flores pushed at the organizing meeting of the CNMI House Special Committee on Federal Assistance and Disaster-Related Funding (we’re just calling it the legislative corruption committee, because that’s what they’re investigating – corruption during the Ralph Torres administration).

“Call it a gag order, call it whatever you want,” Ms. Flores cried out, pushing for the committee to silence its members against speaking out publicly on the committee’s findings. She also criticized now-Sen. Celina Roberto Babauta and now-Sen. Donald Manglona’s handling of last year’s BOOST corruption hearings in the House, when the media published public documents brought into evidence during the hearings. Ms. Flores called the release of those documents “leaks,” and argued the release of those public documents to the media and the public constituted breach of duty.

“A few of us have done this before, this is not our first rodeo,” Committee vice chairman Rep. Ed Propst shot back. Mr. Propst was a member of the Babauta-Manglona investigative committee, and has been pushing the current House to continue from where Ms. Babauta and Mr. Manglona left off, when they became senators.

Defending Ms. Babauta, Mr. Propst went on to say, “We’ve been through this before. It was the chairwoman at the time, Celina Roberto Babauta, who would decide whether to disseminate [the information] or not, and generally she would, because she felt the public had a right to know.”

Ms. Flores’s criticism of the well-organized and effective Babauta-Manglona investigative hearings is rich. Ms. Babauta was the chairwoman of the House Judiciary and Governmental Operations Committee at the time. The House JGO is precisely the committee through which these corruption hearings should be occurring. Ms. Flores succeeded her, when Saipan voters ascended Ms. Babauta to the Senate, and now runs the House JGO committee. The reason the Flores JGO is not holding these hearings, is because Ms. Flores said she didn’t want to hold these hearings. And, now, she is a member of this committee advocating against the release of public information, and criticizing her predecessor who had the courage to hold hearings Flores didn’t want to have!

And then there was her manifestation of her understanding of the purpose of legislature itself.

“If it’s not the consensus of the entire committee, then why should one of us move to the left and one of us move to the right?” Ms. Flores asked, exasperated that Mr. Propst would defend a legislator’s democratic right to free speech and, God forbid, to have an opinion.

This Commonwealth Legislature – in fact, every legislature in the country – is not the Communist Party of China. It isn’t the politburo, which demands and requires absolute loyalty to only one point of view, conjured by “the consensus of the entire committee.” The very purpose of a democratically-elected legislature is its representation of the varied viewpoints of the vast and diverse public. Its discourse should never be limited by the whims of majority, but proliferated by argument that probes toward the truth. And it must be publicly argued toward the truth. The arguing legislators must engage the public they represent. Their opinions matter.

The public’s right to know, and to see this all unfold, matters. Why Ms. Flores would argue against this right is suspicious, and reeks of either hubris, or a conflict of interest.


  • Saipan Patriot

      05/10/2023 at 7:17 AM

    kANDIT News-Troy Torres-you’re both cowards! You blast a single mother standing up for the rights, but yet the “Good Ol Boys” club of which your related, you blast those opposing the rights of the regular people of CNMI? Your cowards, and your Trot Torres are the biggest coward! Until you dropped to your lowest meth high to garnering recovery to state Celine or other government people in favor, you follow or praise these individuals-did they assist you from your “meth” recovery? Tell the full truth, quit playing favorites with Kandit News! You should be ashamed! Come after the Saipan Patriot! PLEASE!!!!! I’m ready and available! I have the resources to fight this fight for truth you keep espousing! I am CNMI borne and natural citizen-come on!

  • saipan Patriot

      05/10/2023 at 7:22 AM

    You cowards-that is not what Rep Flores has asked for! You cowards! Publish the truth! Call upon me to spend what is needed to call you cowards out PLEASE!


      05/10/2023 at 8:37 AM

    Where is the direct response to Troy! Cowards! All of you! Please cone after the Saipan Patriot! US Government

  • Even in regards to the ongoing investigation into the Biden family alleged misdeeds, the public is kept in the loop.
    So is Mz Flores a past Ralphy supporter? If allegation about a “gag order” is true, then who is she attempting to cover.
    I would suspect that any of these investigations finding, can and will be used in a court in any trial involving Ralphy and/or his minions involving miss deeds. Both Fed and Fed courts.

  • Mabel Doge Luhan

      05/15/2023 at 4:21 PM

    I often confuse Kandit’s rallying cry, “No gag order!” with the Marianas Variety’s slogan, “No gag reflex!” I now have stickies all over my 12″ Westinghouse CRT just to remind myself of the difference.

    It’s nice that Marissa Flores is a single mother and that Troy Torres is a terrible person. But neither of those affects the substance of the argument, which is that gag orders are undemocratic. Outside the CNMI world of personal relationships determining truth, the truth is independent of how good a mom Marissa is or how terrible a person Troy is. Modern physics doesn’t suddenly become invalid because Albert Einstein was a bit of a jerk. But some people need to smash their heads into reality, or rehab, multiple times before they fully understand that. There is sad irony in frantic, agitated late-night screeds accusing someone else of meth addiction.

    Ms. Flores has indeed gone from being a reliable anti-corruption attack dog to loyally guarding the master’s house. We can only recall who Ms. Flores’s previous boss was — and what Ms. Flores may have learned from her!

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