GMH employee’s photo caption: “This is the worst it’s ever been”

A Guam Memorial Hospital employee of two decades stood on the hospital’s third floor and snapped this picture of the second floor’s exterior of the operating room and baby-delivering rooms.

This is the same area that was supposed to be used for a planned and funded expansion and modernization of the labor and delivery wing. Dr. Thomas Shieh led that effort, and has chided elected officials to fulfill their empty promise to it since the early days of the Calvo administration.

According to the hospital employee, who wishes to remain anonymous out of fear of political retribution (a whole other segment of news discourse), and according to several other GMH employees over the past several weeks, even basic supplies have run out.

“This is the worst it’s ever been,” the longtime employee said.

The picture says it all.


  • Perfect! Core Tech should swoop in like they have and buy it, restore it, then rent it back to the Government!!!! Such a damn shame. Our government doesn’t see all these opportunities they present to non natives all because they don’t know how to buget for maintenance of our facilities! Tiyan High school is a perfect example, just waiting for the same to happen to all the other school.

    All our government knows how to do is “build a new one” because the leader in place uses it as a monument / statement for their next election.

    GUAM!!!! “The land where outsiders can come buy land so we can rent it back!” D.U.M.B!!!!!

  • Alan San Nicolas

      09/11/2023 at 5:40 AM

    Achuka ti hu ma penta lao masiha uma badeha ( aka water-blast ). I man gagao ha salape ( espitat ) ya enao para ta le’i ? Kao ma risibi I apas 22% para i empleao ?

  • Ramon Crisostimo

      09/12/2023 at 6:33 AM

    The problem with the government is always employees pay raises mostly for political reasons to get ELECTED OR REELECTED. MOSTLY FAILED TO FUND THE MAINTENANCE AND UPKEEP OF INFRASTRUCTURE OF HOSPITAL AND SCHOOLS, TOTAL LEADERSHIP FAILURE, SHAME

  • Patricia M. Barron

      09/24/2023 at 6:54 AM

    GMH has been in disgraceful disrepair for many years. Past and present leaders have done a major disservice to the people by not making the rebuilding of a new hospital their priority. The hospital doctors, nurses and staff must be given credit and respect for their hard work and dedication in such deplorable conditions.

  • Am not behind anyone, but pls before making negative comments pls do know that some not all maintenance, are lazy, some do work hard and has nothing to do with a pay raise, just pls keep in mind some of us do work beyond our work duties it’s not our fault! But really if you all go and see what and how hard we work! Nothing wrong with the employee sending out this photo! And nothing wrong with everyone commenting I agree ☝️ but pls do know that some do work hard! And some hang out with their boyfriend/ husband whatever you all want to say it! Every single day. But yet we don’t get recognized it’s management’s that’s the one that gets all the stars ⭐️ and not us hard working people not all but some!❤️❤️❤️❤️ so pls just keep in mind about this


      07/01/2024 at 12:09 PM

    Duh, if algae just sits there with no removal, of course it will be worse every year. One Senator said that the other party’s plan hasn’t solved anything. What was that plan and what about the other party, are they incapable of planning for the solution to maintain the hospital?

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