GMH political appointee given classified management position

William Kando, the previously unclassified associate administrator of Guam Memorial Hospital, was slotted into a classified management position days after his combative performance before the Guam Legislature and one day before the release of a damning financial audit against a GMH in near ruins.

According to an October 6, 2023 personnel circular from GMH administrator Lillian Perez-Posadas, Mr. Kando became the Assistant Administrator of Operations on October 9. His occupation of a classified position now removes the next hospital administrator’s option to terminate his employment at will.

According to several hospital sources and pictures along the 2022 gubernatorial campaign trail, Mr. Kando was an avid political supporter of the Lou Leon Guerrero-Joshua Tenorio reelection bid.

“[H]e was one of the biggest management failures of this administration,” a GMH staffer told Kandit on condition of anonymity. “The EHR shutdown, the typhoon aftermath. Everyone wants Kando out. The staff are just so demoralized already and so fed up. And she puts him in a classified manager position. It’s such bulls***.”

According to GMH’s human resources division office, Mr. Kando’s new base salary is $92,950 per annum, a salary higher than that of the governor of Guam.

Mr. Kando previously held a classified position at GMH in its planning division. He was promoted to the unclassified post during the Leon Guerrero administration, and has been a key part of its management team.


  • Imelda Tanapino

      10/12/2023 at 4:56 PM

    Why should anyone be surprised about this most recent exposure of GovGuam’s endemic, all pervading culture of corruption, nepotism, and inefficiency?

    GovGuam, like computers, needs CPUs (Corrupt Philippine Users)

  • Isn’t GMH in financial need? Where are their priorities? Go figure. Next time Lillian cries for $$, tell her to call 1-800-wa..wa..wa…

  • William T. Kando

      10/13/2023 at 1:24 AM

    Buenas yan’ hafa Adai Mr. Toves, and good morning! I am writing to you as I am taking my break here at GMHA Emergency Department. I am the only son, to my father (William N. Kando) I have read your recent article which you have posted. I’d love to one day give my side of the story of whom my father, truly is. I respect you as a journalist and I thank you as well for your service in Gov Guam. I understand fully why so many people are mad. However, GMHA is a team first and foremost. From the Environmental services technicians, to its doctors, surgeons, nurses, of which are one of the best in the pacific that I must say, proudly.

    One thing that is for certain we rely on each other and we will happily do what we can to care for the sick regardless of race, religion, or financial status. Regardless if he is a failure to others, he is the “white man” who holds the fort along side with many of his, and my amazing hard working colleagues on a daily basis.

    After all this entire situation isn’t magic, it’s medicine. And I’d love to clear up any misconception; biased or unbiased. I work at GMH as well so what do I know? Right? Haha..

    Have a blessed day, wishing Guam and our people Love, Peace, and Prosperity always. Biba Guam, Biba GMH, Biba one team and one fight. Dunkulus Si Yu,os Ma’ase.


  • William Thomas Kando

      10/13/2023 at 3:49 AM

    Buenas Ya’ an Hafa Adai’ and good morning to all my fellow Guamanians alike. And great morning to you Seniot Toves! My name is William T. Kando, 29. I am the youngest of three (3) sons to Mr. William N. Kando (GMHA’s Associate Administrator), who happens to be regarded to you and others as piss poor management. I am here to shed some light on the matter and to educate you on what you think you know. First of all, I’d like to say thank you Mr. Toves for sharing your personal opinion on the matter it. We’ll be sure to call you for future guidance and insight. Also, may I include, thank you for your service to our government, as it was short lived. Biba Mr. Toves!

    I am simply here to share with the public who my father, truly is. Not that he cares about others opinion so I will do it for him. As well as share some insight to something that is not opinion but, rather fact. It’s funny because this is my second attempt at posting onto your blog which got deleted instantly. So much for freedom of speech yeah? Haha… You know Mr. Toves at the end of the day I still respect what you do as a journalist but, I rather not emulate the same behavior that our very own legislature (not everyone) displays (not everyone) squandering away the precious time of each hearing which has seem to be quite toxic, spreading like a cancer.

    Corruption, nepotism, and inefficiency is abundant in the world we live in. Guam is far from exempt. Are we not human beings, are we not infallible to greed and power. We are all guilty even myself, I must include. My father who was born and raised in Rhode Island served in the US Navy achieving the title of Navigator on the USS Proteus. After seven (7) great years he divorced the navy and married my mother, and never left her side as she fought for her life with Nasal Phalangeal Cancer. He began his career at GMHA in 1992 as an educator making $10/hour as he worked tirelessly day and night. Before he knew it, Guam became more than a place in which he lived it became his new home. My father, who shares zero information with me any pertaining to GMHA was awarded MAG Pro “Integrity” award in 2015. He took it upon himself to do what others failed to do and that is to stray away from politics and even the position he is in now. It wasn’t by choice but rather asked to take such a role. His only family in Guam is me and my mother. He has no other desires than his family to be together whole and happy. My father doesn’t drink, he doesn’t smoke, his hobbies include watching baseball and spending time with me and my mother when he’s not working. Most importantly he loves to help others achieve their goals and their dreams, that is his addiction.

    Why do we forget that we have the power to vote for change through democracy, yet we still complain about current events that affect us daily. Yet we complain about piss poor management, yet we are the very hospital that will take every patient regardless of race, ethnic background, religion, or financial status. Why did we decline eagles’ field as our new venue for Guam’s new hospital? Is it because some of us will be ending our term as senator? Do we wish for a private Contruction company rather than the US military to build our new hospital? Maybe we want to contract a private company so that we may possibly take a percentage out of it? Greed and power at the cost of our own people. Now that my fellow Guamanians is piss poor management. But what do I know? I only work at GMHA Emergency room living it firsthand with a smile every day. Smiling because I want to serve our island and its people that inhabit it.

    Thank you, Mr. Toves, you are the real difference maker. Pfft! Wishing you and all Guamanians; Peace, love, and prosperity always. God bless all of us.


  • Hog-washed by their top leader. Who has this governor helped but her true all-in followers rewarded by jobs they aren’t even capable of performing and end up being transferred all over this government.

    Enough is enough!! Kudos to Kandit News for reporting the truth(s).

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