The following is news from Guam Power Authority:
Guam Power Authority (GPA) continues its power restoration process and have made progress to its post-typhoon recovery. The crews are divided into sectors to systematically address grid repairs throughout the island. GPA will continue to provide an estimate recovery summary to summarize our restoration progress to the Island-Wide Power System (IWPS).
Typhoon Mawar Recovery Summary
As of 1:00 pm, THURSDAY June 1, 2023
System Load (Customer Demand) Restored: 34.5%
GPA Substation Energized: 95.8%
GPA Feeders/Circuits Energized: 69.8%
NOTE: NO Feeders/circuits can be energized unless GPA Substation is energized.
NOTE: System Load (customer demand) percentage increases as GPA feeders/circuits percentage increases.
Feeders/Circuits: 5 additional feeders/circuits added to the island-wide system for a total of 44 feeders/circuits are partially energized today.
Substations: Total of 23 critical substations energized of the 24 total major GPA substations. Umatac substation restoration is in process.
Generation Capacity: 111MW of capacity online supporting 69MW load.
Water & Wastewater Systems
- The Tipalao Wastewater Treatment Plant was energized to avoid sewage overflows.
- P-294 from Pulantat to DPHSS Mangilao was energized, providing power to critical
Pago Bay Water Booster Pump station and additional wells in Area. Communications
- Piti and Tumon communications stations energized. DoD
- Energized Navy SRF Substation.
- Energize GAAN wastewater pump station in Hågat.
- Continue to energize GWA wells near Yigo GFD fire station and Yigo Amusement Park.
- Energize Umatac Substation in order to begin restoration in South.
- Energize Route 16 Wastewater Sewage Pump Station and Fort Juan Muna.
- Energize Navy Radio Barrigada Substation.
- Energize water wells in Dededo and on to Route 3.
- Continue work on urgent needs islandwide.
- Current operable capacity is 111MW which is adequate for today’s load of 69MW.
- Baseload capacity to be paced online within the next 2 days.
- Capacity available to serve customers energized.
- Continue addressing critical water, wastewater, communications, health and other critical services infrastructure.
- Launch the next phase of recovery by this weekend (delayed due to the need to address more water well stations):
o Divide crews into three or more sectors (north, central and south) to begin concentrated efforts in restoring as many customers as possible in parts of the circuit with minimal damages. This phase of restoration will result in significantly boosting our recovery percentage over the 2nd week of our post-typhoon restoration.
Recovery effort resources:
o 12-line crew personnel from Commonwealth Utility Corporation (CUC)/CNMI are arriving in the next few days to assist in recovery efforts. GPA thanks the CNMI and CUC for their assistance in our time of need!
o American Public Power Association (APPA) member utility and GPA nearing an agreement to bring in 12-line crew personnel with two (2) bucket trucks to assist in restoring the 115kV transmission lines from Cabras to Hagåtña.
Again, our crews have begun to restore power to circuits and ultimately to customers. We are working to restore your power service as soon as possible.
GPA continues to ask for your patience and understanding as we work on restoring power to the entire island.
06/01/2023 at 3:54 PM
This is better transparency. Thank you to the inbound personnel. The jump from 2% of feeder circuit activation per day to 5% additional over the last 24 hrs is a good sign. I still don’t have power and my area the lines look fairly intact so it’s helpful to see that initial prioritization wasn’t necessarily in easy areas like mine but rather critical infrastructure like water wells/processing and Comms. If the 5% per day rate is maintained that’s much much better. Let’s go!
Russ Mason
06/01/2023 at 11:16 PM
There is a wonderful, heartening, willingness to help others when a disater occurs. What makes it even more touching is the good cheer among those who help, and who are helped.
I am proud of those unselfish souls who put the needs of others first. Christianity has many faces, and we are blessed and enriched to see them. This is Love in action: to care more for others than oneself.
Alan San Nicolas
06/02/2023 at 7:06 AM
Kontinua I opbligasión (chechu) miyu. Ya yahu na baihu menta un DANGULU NA SI YU’US MA’ASE PARA TODU ! Ya hita ni pupbliku, tafan pacinsia. Esta despues Afañelos.
Manases Manglona- Luta.
06/12/2023 at 8:12 AM
I pinasensia yan kinemprendi gi hilu’ distrosu gi Isla u primeru. Un Sen dangkulo na si yu’us ma’ase’ para todus I animun line crew nai para uma na’ malak Guam. Biba line crew!