Guam governor orders the cleaning of public schools

After Typhoon Mawar devastated the island damaging many of Guam’s public schools, Governor Leon Guerrero activated the Guam National Guard (GUNG) to support the Government and people of Guam with the island’s recovery. Starting before landfall, the GUNG was assigned to lead the military response efforts of all branches, including the Active Duty and Reserve components. Missions have included route clearance, traffic control, debris removal, commodity distribution, waste site security, emergency room support at Guam Memorial Hospital, the RISE UP program, and more.

Most recently, Governor Leon Guerrero tasked the Guard to begin cleaning up typhoon debris at the island’s public schools. So far, GUNG has removed over 5,000 cubic yards of debris from 35 of 41 Guam public schools.

The Governor also engaged the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), who are part of the Guam Guard’s dual-status command, to help with debris removal at the schools. Beginning this Friday, July 21, USACE will launch its debris removal program for the island’s schools. The effort is in partnership with FEMA and the Office of the Governor of Guam. USACE teams will go school by school, making one pass per school, and load debris including vegetative debris, large appliances, construction debris, and metal that is along the right of way onto trucks to be hauled away.

Additionally, Governor Leon Guerrero instructed the Guam Office of Homeland Security and Office of Civil Defense to work on procuring numerous items for the public schools including doors, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, gypsum boards, plywood, lumber and other materials needed for school repairs. OHC/OCD is also working on procuring contracts for mold remediation and fence repairs. OHC/OCD will be seeking FEMA reimbursement for these items and services.


The information above came from a news release from the Office of the Governor of Guam.


  • Imelda Tanapino

      07/19/2023 at 8:02 PM

    If she had concentrated her efforts on “cleaning” the corruption, greed dishonesty, nepotism, ineptness, laziness, and inefficiency out of GovGuam there would be no need for her to worry about sub-standard schools – the problem wouldn’t have arisen in the first place.

    If the people of Guam would elect decent, honest leaders (unlike this current bunch of crooks and greedy dishonest career politicians) the GDOE would be able to help our children learn how to think.

    The process of educating our children should take precedent over a 22% GovGuam pay raise – but all the greedy GovGuam career politicians can’t figure out a way to provide a decent education for our children.

    It wouldn’t hurt if a lot of these children were taught that “Thou shalt not steal.” is not an option. Perhaps GovGuam, and all Gumanian parents, might also teach their children: “Ice is not nice.”

    Apparently, most of the parents on Guam, for the past 30-40 years have failed to teach their children three simple rules:
    Don’t steal
    Don’t rape
    Don’t smoke ice

    • Imelda Tanapino

        07/20/2023 at 3:06 PM

      Instead, Gumaniam parents, over the past 40 years have chosen to teach their children in a more positive way. (Thou Shalt).

      * Thou shalt follow the herd
      * Thou shalt look out for #1
      * Thou shalt love, work for, and assimilate into GovGuam

  • Excellent points from Imelda.
    It would be novel to see both little Lou, and big Josh, outfitted with aprons, buckets, sponges and brushes descend on each school ahead of gov workers actually working for their money, to solve the problem head on.
    Of course Lou is too busy finding new ways to kill babies.
    Plus her Grand Children go to St John, so she has no incentive to see public schools succeed.
    A 2 tiers education system has always been what Dems have advocated for 200 years…. Why should that change under little Lou?
    The public schools are good enough for the peons, in Lou’s book

  • Frank Perez

      07/21/2023 at 5:46 AM

    The least understood factor that contributes to the success of students in our elementary and secondary schools is the perpetual lack of adequate number of busses on island to transport students to school at a more decent ( supported by educational research findings on the optimal time for student to be in school) hours of the day. The first priority is to increase the number of busses needed so that high school students do not leave home 4:00 A.M. to attend school. For them research says 8-9 A.M. is more appropriate attending school!

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