Joint Information Center – JIC Recovery Release No. 1 • May 26, 2023, 10 a.m. (ChST) JRR0526#1
Recovery Efforts Continue
Critical and Essential GovGuam Employees:
As of 5 p.m. Thursday, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero placed the island in Condition of Readiness (COR). All essential and critical Government of Guam employees are to report to the worksite to assess for damages. All others are to report to their supervisors. For agencies whose payroll is processed by the Department of Administration, payroll data was transmitted earlier this week.
Traffic Control:
The Guam Police Department and the Guam National Guard are being positioned at major intersections and motorists are advised to please proceed with caution.
GFD Issue a No Burn Notice:
The Guam Fire Department (GFD) issued a No Burn Notice for the entire community due to ongoing recovery efforts. GFD is focusing efforts on life and property preservation.
GPA Update:
Guam Power Authority (GPA) has begun its post-typhoon power restoration process starting with restoring critical and priority facilities such as hospitals, water wells and wastewater facilities, critical infrastructure and key areas e.g. communications, schools, public safety/health and ports of entry. GPA crews will then focus on areas throughout the island. To report power outages and down lines, call (671) 648-3000 or (671) 647-5787 or report it on
GWA Update:
The Guam Waterworks Authority (GWA) issued a boil water notice due to possible bacterial contamination in the water that can occur when increased run-off enters a drinking water source following heavy rains. GWA will perform assessments of its water system to be within acceptable levels as soon as possible.
Boil Water Notice Tips:
• Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for three (3) minutes, and let it cool before using or use bottled water.
• Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice.
Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.
GWA is working with village mayors in assessing areas with no water services. Coordination is being made to deploy water bladders to the respective villages that are in need of them. Water bladders are currently being distributed to critical care facilities. To report water outages, call (671) 647-7800.
DPHSS Updates:
The Department of Public Health and Social Services’ (DPHSS) Division of Senior Citizens (DSC) resumed the following:
Homebound Meals with a hot meal. Homebound Meals will continue the regular operations of providing meals Sunday through Saturday. For any questions you can contact SH Enterprises, the Elderly Nutrition Program vendor at 671-649-9716/9727.
Case Management Services, In-Home Services and the National Family Caregiver Support Program
The 3 Adult Day Care Centers, 12 Senior Citizens Centers, Congregate Nutrition Services, Transportation Services, and Elder Justice Legal Assistance Services will be closed today, Friday, May 26, 2023.
Judiciary of Guam Remains Closed:
The Judiciary of Guam remains closed until an assessment of the court’s power and the generators have been completed. Essential staff will report to address the situation. All hearings and court proceedings remain canceled and will be rescheduled. Upon reopening, the Judiciary will prioritize matters that require immediate attention.