Mendiola Selected Senate President

Rota Senator Dennis Mendiola was selected by his colleagues in the newly formed Republican-Independent Senate coalition to be the next president of the upper chamber of the Commonwealth Legislature.

“This coalition between Independents and Republican senators reflects a shared commitment to balance and unity within the Senate,” Mr. Mendiola told Kandit. “Despite ongoing discussions, the Republican team remains focused on addressing the needs of all our communities across the CNMI with a ‘One Marianas’ mindset.”

The Senate presidency rotates each term among the main islands of the CNMI. For nearly the past two years, Saipan’s Senator Edith Deleon Guerrero served in the position. Ms. Deleon Guerrero lost her bid for reelection to Senator-elect Manny Castro, a Democrat. Democrat Rota Senator Paul Manglona lost his reelection bid to Senator-elect Ronnie Calvo, an Independent who is caucusing with the new majority coalition. Rota Senator Donald Manglona and Saipan Senator Corina Magofna, both Independents who this term caucused with the Democrats, appear to have joined the new Republican-Independent coalition, as they have been included in leadership selections by the incoming majority caucus.

According to Mr. Mendiola, the coalition has met and agreed to the following selections, which could change between now and inauguration day:

Senate Leadership

•⁠ ⁠Senate President: Rota Senator Dennis C. Mendiola
•⁠ ⁠Senate Vice President: Tinian Senator Karl King-Nabors
•⁠ ⁠Senate Floor Leader: Rota Senator Donald M. Manglona
•⁠ ⁠⁠Senate Legislative Secretary: (pending)

Committee Chairmanships (Tentative):

•⁠ ⁠Executive Appointments & Government Investigations (EAGI): Tinian Senator Francisco Cruz
•⁠ ⁠⁠Senate Rules: Tinian Senator Francisco Cruz
•⁠ ⁠⁠Judiciary, Government & Law (JGL): Tinian Senator Karl King-Nabors
•⁠ ⁠Federal Relations: Tinian Senator Karl King-Nabors
•⁠ ⁠Fiscal Affairs: Tinian Senator Jude U. Hofschneider
•⁠ ⁠Gaming: Tinian Senator Jude U. Hofschneider
•⁠ ⁠Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW): Rota Senator Ronnie M. Calvo
•⁠ ⁠Resources, Economic Development, and Programs (REDP): Rota Senator Donald M. Manglona
•⁠ ⁠Public Utilities, Transportation, and Communications (PUTC): Saipan Senator Corina L. Magofna

“The Republican Caucus is still in the process of finalizing leadership roles, with one or maybe two more meetings ahead,” Mr. Mendiola said. “While progress has been made, deliberations on certain positions, including the committee chairmanships and the Legislative Secretary role, are ongoing.”

The new coalition appears to have a Senate supermajority that is able to reject gubernatorial vetoes at least in the upper house. The minority includes Democrat Senator Celina Roberto Babauta and Mr. Castro. CNMI Governor Arnold Palacios, an Independent, is the de facto titular head of the Democrat-Independent coalition which controls the governor’s office and the legislative lower chamber, the CNMI House of Representatives.

The Democrat-Independent coalition was swept into power by the voters in the 2022 election, carrying the governor’s office, both houses of the legislature, and the delegate seat to the U.S. House of Representatives. In her first year as Senate president, however, Ms. Deleon Guerrero refused to caucus with her fellow Democrats and Independents and instead began to align with the Republicans, often ceding the majority vote to Republican control throughout the past two years. Voters solidified that control in the November 2024 election with the election of Mr. Calvo over outgoing Senator Paul Manglona, and the easy reelection of Mr. King-Nabors. His sister, Republican Kimberlyn King-Hinds – a first-time candidate – also took back the delegate seat from the Democrats in the general election. The House remains in Democrat-Independent coalition control.

“The leadership of the 24th Legislature will work to address the shared challenges faced by the people of Saipan, Rota, Tinian, and the Northern Islands alike,” Mr. Mendiola said.

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