The letter below is from Monsignor James Benavente to the Catholic faithful of Guam:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
By now, you may have already heard that the traditional procession around Hagatna with the image of Santa Marian Kamalen will take place on Friday, December 8th, as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
We were overwhelmed and beyond words in witnessing thousands of our faithful throughout the island wait patiently to receive Our Lady as she visited you at your homes the past few years. It was heartwarming to witness both the young and those blessed with wisdom and grace, receive Our Lady at the many parishes and streets throughout the island.
Now that we are going back to the traditional procession in Hagatna, we pray that all those visited by Our Lady, from the parishes and in the periphery during the island-wide pilgrimages would be able to come and join us here in Hagatna. We are still reflecting on how we can do both; but for now, we are happy to announce the return to the traditional Hagatna procession.
As we honor Santa Marian Kamalen, let us continue to reflect on the many challenges, difficulties, and sufferings we experienced in the past, recognizing Our Lady’s role in helping to bring us closer to her Son, as we endured war, super typhoons, major earthquakes and the recent pandemic.
In all these occasions we certainly see the love that Our Lady has for her people and the love and devotion that we, her people, have for her. Our Lady continues to point us to her Son, Jesus Christ, and brings us the good news that her Son never abandons us, most especially during the pandemic.
We, therefore, invite you to join us in our nightly Novena and Masses beginning November 30th at 5:30 p.m. and our annual procession on Friday, December 8th, in honor of our Patroness, Santa Marian Kamalen.
May our Blessed Mother, Santa Marian Kamalen, intercede for us.
Yours in Christ,
Msgr. James L.G. Benavente
Pastor and Rector of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica, Hagatna
Photo of Santa Marian Kamalen taken from Guampedia