The prosecutor’s declaration of probable cause follows in this case:
Magistrate’s Complaint CF543-21 CURTIS BLAS AND DONAVAN CARRIAGA
The prosecutor’s declaration of probable cause follows in this case:
Magistrate’s Complaint CF543-21 CURTIS BLAS AND DONAVAN CARRIAGA
Rejonacia Blas
10/27/2021 at 2:51 PM
What these guys did is so out of line just because he was going to report you for using an illegal substance. What they did is so unforgiving and I hope all of them rot in hell. The guy they murdered is my significant other’s uncle. May his soul Rest In Peace.
Rejonacia Blas
10/27/2021 at 2:53 PM
What these guys did was out of line and is so unforgiving and I hope all of them rot in hell. The guy they murdered is my significant other’s uncle. May his soul Rest In Peace.