WATCH: Defense of democracy, fallen soldiers overwhelms Babauta as she admonishes lawlessness of Torres regime

Celina Roberto Babauta became overwhelmed as she talked about sons of the CNMI who gave their lives to defend democracy while Ralph Torres has spurned the law.

Below is the transcription of Ms. Babauta’s statements before the CNMI House Judiciary and Governmental Operations Committee on December 14, 2021 immediately before the vote to hold the governor in contempt:

The guardrails of democracy we once cherished have become dangerously unmoored under the current Administration.

Those who denounce Governor Torres’ abuse of power may be dismissed as crying wolf or exaggerating.  Governor Torres has crossed the constitutional line. 

What is especially troubling is that Governor Torres has routinely flouted the rule of law on American soil. We are governed by a democracy and democracy is not a cloistered event. The actions of the governor are a testament of how far democracy has deteriorated in the Marianas.

Governor Ralph Torres has insulted the democratic ideals and principles our men and women in uniform who have sworn to defend and protect our liberty, sovereignty and freedom! This is not an issue I take lightly!! So, before Governor Ralph Torres further disrespects the ideals and principles that our brave men and women uphold, I proudly stand before them to defend their beliefs!

Our good friend, Derrence Jack gave his life for this Commonwealth.  Lao, pot mas, i primu-hu as difuntu Wilgene Lieto, matai gi kanai asaguahu giya Iraq.  Man matai este siha ni man mananatbe gi militåt, pot hafa? Pot para hu ma defende yan ma protehe I lina’låta todos sin diskrminasion.

Our honorable and brave men and women in uniform from the CNMI have asked for NOTHING in return except our support to uphold those same beliefs.

Our records reflect that the period just after Typhoon Souldelor, Governor Torres and Mrs. Diann Torres were traveling to and fro…ma eskapåpåye I minapot.

This is very significant because this is while our commonwealth was picking up the pieces of their homes, without power and without water.

For months Governor Torres has been longing to clear his name.  But, when the time came to feature his testimony, he rejected being put under oath to provide any explanation or responses to the JGO inquiries.  This was his opportunity and he blew it.  He has at his disposal, Mr. Ross Garber, who was given a $150K contract, Mr. David Banes, given a contract worth $50K and his in-house counsel, Mr. Gil Birnbrich, with a salary upwards of $60K.

Este na komite ma eksesisa månu I linagnak na pinasensia yan resonable na aksion ni para bai en chagi mu negosio yan I Gobietnoo kon respetu para I pumalo råmas gobietnamento.  Lao, I gobietno, ha renuncia todo este na negosiasion.  Guiya yan I abodgadu siha ni ha emplea, ni hita umapåpase mås ke dos sientos sisenta mit, ma kontinua ma planta legåt impedimento ni defekto.  Todos hamyo man testigu ni esta siha na tai presisu na detension ni ha plålånta I Gobiento.

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