My dear brothers and sisters on meth (and everyone who is worried about them and who loves them),
It takes about a week for the meth to leave your body, a so-called detox period and “acute phase” according to research published in the National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine. That’s also according to many of us who managed to kick the habit for longer than a week.
Today is Palm Sunday, and seven days from now will be the Easter Vigil. Ever since your loved ones realized you got hooked on meth, they’ve been waiting for you to come home to that heart of innocence you once had. But they aren’t the only ones.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” These were the words Jesus Christ spoke in the midst of a ministry that would lead Him to a triumphant entrance to Jerusalem so that He could do what no one else could: Sacrifice Himself to save you and me from our sins.
And He did this for you and me.
We’re all sinners. Nothing makes me better than you. No person or government’s judgment makes someone else more worthy than you just because you are addicted to drugs. All the crimes you committed, the people you hurt, the abuse on your own body, the children you abandoned, the funerals of loved ones you didn’t attend, the Christmases you missed at home, the dishonor you gave to your mother and your father… Jesus walked into Jerusalem and marched to His own death so that He could open your eyes, liberate you from the captivity of your addiction, free you from the oppression of your guilt and self-loathing, and to proclaim this the year your sobriety and repentance finds favor with God the Father.
Walk with Him. Put down the cloaks of addiction that have burdened you on His path so He can triumph over it for you. Today, right now as you read this, decide and throw away that pipe, that syringe, those bags and straws of meth.
Over the next 24 hours, according to the NIH publication and information in The Recovery Village, you will go through meth withdrawal symptoms, which may include anxiety, hallucinations, paranoia, and insomnia. Drink a lot of water, as dehydration may set in during this time.
Days 2 through 5 are when acute withdrawal symptoms likely will occur. You will sleep a lot. You will be very hungry. You may become angry, depressed, fatigue, have headaches, and your dopamine levels will drop significantly.
It is likely that by Holy Thursday Mass at 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. (depends on the church), the meth will have left your body. And while you will be in a very vulnerable physical, mental, and emotional state, you will be sober for the first time in a long time. Go to Mass that night. If you have nice clothes, wear nice clothes. If you don’t, that’s okay. Go with someone or go alone. There will be plenty of people there praying for you and cheering you on, even if you don’t realize it. You need not know anything or bring anything with you.
That Mass is the Mass of the Last Supper. It is where Jesus left specific instructions for us all, and it is the perfect day to get right with God. Right after this dinner, He went to start His passion for us at the Garden of Gethsemane, where He agonized for hours until He was arrested. Bring your agony to Him. He’ll carry it with Him to His Cross.
Eat and go to sleep. Wake up on the sixth day meth free, but with acute desire to use again, dress up, and head to church for Good Friday services at noon. Stay there for the Stations of the Cross, the reflection of His seven last words, then the Passion of our Lord at 3 p.m., the hour He died for us sinners.
Eat and go to sleep. Stay away from everyone who is a user and everything that will trigger your desire to use again. Wake up on the seventh day meth free. Think about everything Christ went through for you. Think about the forgiveness you received for every bad thing you’ve ever done and the clean slate you have with Him because of His sacrifice, and wait for evening this coming Saturday, when the Easter Vigil is celebrated because Christ is risen.
Eat and go to sleep. Wake up on Easter Sunday rejoicing with us all, and with my tears and prayers of thanksgiving for your first week of recovery. Go to your family and show them the new you. Tell them what Christ has done for you. That He saved you and that your darkest hours are behind you.
Start exercising. Go to the beach and get a lot of sunlight. Call up old friends. On Easter Monday, start applying for jobs. Get a Guam ID if you don’t already have one. Sign up for public assistance if you need to. According to The Recovery Village, on weeks 2 through 4, “Cravings begin to lessen, but psychiatric problems may begin to manifest or become uncovered by the absence of methamphetamine.” This was true for me. Drug counseling helped a little bit. Strong support systems (my family and friends) helped me tremendously to not give in to cravings. But it was that first step I took – that first Sunday I went back to Mass – that started me on a journey to regaining my psychiatric health. I’m not perfect, but I’ve never been healthier.
God did that for me. I have zero ways of explaining it. All I know is that He’ll do it for you, too.
This world owes you nothing. You owe nothing to the world. But God? He loves you so much, that He sent His only begotten Son to search for you and – by your free will – until today, you’ve been walking away from Him.
People may call you names. They may hate you without having ever seen or spoken to you. Some want your freedom. Some want you dead. Many see you as a scourge.
But not Jesus. He’s always searching for you, but every time you take a hit, you walk further from Him. He’s always loving you. He waits agonizing for you on His Cross to love Him back.
There is so much we do while addicted that distorts our citizenship and sense of goodness, that a path to justice seems so far gone. But all we have to do is to take a step toward His Cross, and I promise you, you will find that path on the first step. The journey will take time. It won’t be easy all the time, but I cannot even begin to comprehend and articulate to you the immeasurable joy of this journey of sobriety and clear gaze upon the face of our Lord.

He conquered your sin and rose from the dead to love you and to wait to see you so you can return even one ounce of his ocean of love. Don’t you want to see Him? He waits for you every single day at church. Get sober this week. Go visit Jesus when He needs you most. Be there when He takes away our sins.
I love you, and I’ll see you at church this Thursday. Break that pipe and needle. Get some rest.
I love you all; each and every one of you, even if we’ve hurt each other or if you don’t like me, even if we’ve never met. I’m rooting for you. More importantly, Jesus is waiting for you.
Love always, Troy
A. Sahagon
03/24/2024 at 9:25 PM
Thank you Troy. Thank you for sharing your honest message to all that needs it and pray it motivates all our sons, daughters, spouse, friends and love ones etc., that we’re all in this together, and that everyone in some way is affected by this evil,😈 and that we love and support them in finding a way out. All they need to do is really want a way out, and that our Lord forgives everyone for whatever reason attracted them to this evil.😈 But there is a way out, and that is with our Lord. Especially during this Holy Week.✝️.
We will be praying🙏 for everyone. God Bless us all. ❤🤎🖤
Russ Mason
03/25/2024 at 1:22 PM
Very good. The Marianas can use all the Spiritual insight it can get. It need not be Christian, any religion will do, so long as it helps people become kinder and more conscious.
“Out, beyond the bondaries of right and wrong, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
This quote is by Rumi. It’s a favorite because it carries no expectations, and we humans are full of them.
03/26/2024 at 12:49 PM
Preach it, Brother. Thank you Troy for sharing this truth and being an example of someone who’s “Been there, done that” successfully.