Christian Trump Friends, What Exactly Is the Problem With “These” People?

Ed & Daisy Propst

Opinion by Edwin K. Propst for Kandit News & Views

I have some questions for a few of my friends, and I hope you can help enlighten me without getting offended, because what the hell do I know, right?

You are upset with “criminals” who were pardoned by Biden, but you have no problem with criminals getting recently pardoned who actually assaulted and physically attacked (and in some cases nearly killed) police officers during the January 6 insurrection. There is actual video footage of these perpetrators and the crimes they committed on that day, and they all not only get out of jail, but have their criminal records expunged. Do you believe these insurrectionists who attacked police officers on that day are heroes or criminals? If you believe they are heroes, then what do you consider the police officers who protected the Capitol on that day to be?

On another note, you have no problems with corporate welfare and billionaires getting richer and on the verge of becoming trillionaires, but you do have a problem with minimum wage workers and those struggling receiving “government welfare” from government safety nets designed for individuals and families to survive…safety nets like Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, and Social Security? Do billionaires really need to become richer right now? Do you support cuts to Medicaid right now while billionaires are going to receive greater tax cuts? Are you concerned at all that cuts in Medicaid may translate to a vast number of sick people dying because they can no longer afford medicine or access to medical care?

Why do you dislike the LBGTQIA+ community so much? Do you really think in some way that they are a threat to your personal way of life, to your heterosexual marriage or relationship? Aren’t there far greater threats to your relationship, like cheating on your partner, physically or mentally abusing your partner, lying to your partner, or neglecting your partner?

If you are a true Christian and love Jesus Christ, could you please share with me some of the parts of the Holy Bible you love so much where Jesus condemns undocumented workers or “illegals”?

Leviticus 19:34 reads, “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

Deuteronomy 10:19 commands, “You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

And in Hebrews 13:1-3, we are told, “Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured.”

I suppose God tells us Christians to just cherry pick from the Bible and only follow the parts we like, right? Just like how we get to pick and choose what parts of the United States Constitution we have to follow, as the creators of the Constitution intended it to be. 🤔

While we attribute all crime to illegal immigrants, here are some fun facts for you:

Immigrants have had lower incarceration rates than U.S.-born citizens since at least 1870. In 2020, immigrants were 60% less likely to be incarcerated.

From 1980 to 2022, the crime rate in the U.S. dropped by 60.4% while the immigrant population more than doubled.

In 2022 alone, undocumented immigrant households paid $46.8 billion in federal taxes and $29.3 billion in state and local taxes. Undocumented immigrants also contributed $22.6 billion to Social Security and $5.7 billion to Medicare.

With regard to immigrants hurting the US economy, what do you say about actual findings instead of political rhetoric? The “surge” of immigrants that are supposed to hurt our economy are actually helping it. Case in point? The immigrants you love to hate will add $8.9 trillion (or 3.2%) to the nation’s GDP over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan scorekeeper for Congress.

Thank you for your friendship and for your help in educating me. Now that we no longer have fact checkers, I feel like I’m in a fog, yearning to be spoonfed information because I’m too lazy to read and educate myself, or distinguish between scholarly articles written by reputable doctors and scientists versus conspiracy theories written by popular social media content creators who got their information from the Flat Earther Society.

Edwin K. Propst is a resident of Dandan, Saipan.


  • I have some questions too, and I hope you won’t be offended? Would it be fair to say that after losing the last race you entered, you became unemployed? Should I honestly believe that you are qualified and received your recent appointment to a federally funded program as a “Program Manager(?) because you have a “dated” Communications degree? (I listened to your interview withe Marianas Press). Thanks for any clarification.

    As far as the so called “insurrection” (?) of January 6th, are you aware of the 1954 attack on the U.S. Capitol by Puerto Rican Nationalist? I suggest you read up on it, and pay attention to the pardon that was later granted by Jimmy Carter. Please also familiarize yourself with the 1983 domestic terrorism bombing of the Capitol, the resulting sentences, and President Bill Clintons later involvement in a commutation.

    As far as your billionaires getting richer rant, and somehow equating that argument to the Medicaid program (?), maybe ask yourself why so many members of Congress have become wealthy themselves after taking office, and why they seem to have quite a few perks the average person will never see? (maybe ask the wealthy stock trader Nancy Pelosi who paid for her recent hip replacement and hospital stay in Germany along with the many other taxpayer funded perks she has enjoyed over her many years in Washington?).
    You might also want to ask why the needs of so many U.S. citizens were backseated while funding was diverted to accomodate millions off non-citizens who illegally entered the United States under the Biden Administration? (think of all those FEMA funding shortages that went somewhere?). I don’t recall seeing Joe Biden being able to use five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed thousands of people at the border? Did manna fall from heaven into Washington D.C and I missed it? Someone has to pay that bill. Will it be you Propst? I didn’t think so.
    Funny how the most liberal people are always so ready to giveaway everything for free and then find a way to complain about it or “blame someone else” when the bill comes due? I’m just curious Propst, what color is the sky in that world you are living in?

    Until any final changes are implemented to any federal programs, please save your political rhetoric and scare tactics (once a politician, always a politician?). Maybe wait for the actual facts and final decisions negotiated, then maybe discuss it (while you are enjoying your newly found federally funded paycheck?).

    As far as the “alternative lifestyle” people or persons, the he, she or it, (alphabet people) maybe ask your self why you are trying to paint with such a broad political brush? You make assumptions that everyone collectively is against the alphabet people? I find it rich that you quote biblical passages from Leviticus but didn’t bother to include Leviticus 18 verse 22 and Leviticus 20 verse 13? Better go back and study some more, bible boy, and instead of relying on the modern translated bible versions this time (your reference to Leviticus 19 verse 34), may I suggest you read the Tanakh (Hebrew version) and maybe learn the historical context behind some of the actual passages as they were spoken in Hebrew or Aramaic before bastardizing the meanings to fit your agenda?

    As far as the pluses and minuses of immigration, I don’t think anyone is arguing against immigration (even Trump has explicitly said that), it’s the “illegal immigration” that needs to stop. The United States needs to be selective in who it allows into the country. We cannot afford to support those who end up relying more on social service benefits than they contribute back into the economy. Yes, we need professionals, and other occupations that immigrants provide, but the immigration quota needs to be based on those needs and not be turned into a free for all.
    As far as crime statistics go, since you do not have access to DHS / CBP intelligence bulletins, may I suggest you ask your new Congressional Representative in Washington D.C. to send you an declassified briefing paper on the number of terrorists that have been interdicted at the border (both Southern & Northern) and maybe some “undoctored” crime statistics committed by non-citizens? (which should include organized criminal activity, gang activity, drug smuggling, human trafficking, money laundering, and other often nefarious activities that often go unreported in the public media). By the way, how are those illegal Chinese overstayers working out for the CNMI economy? Are drug & prostitution sales up? How about boat & outboard motor sales? Sounds like a booming economy to me.

    • Mabel Doge Luhan

        01/25/2025 at 4:15 PM

      Congratulations! Like your idol the Felonious Cantaloupe, you managed to be condescending and idiotic, and also sanctimonious and blasphemous, all at once! Wonders will never cease. Good job leading with the ad hominem, calling people “it,” and claiming fluency in Hebrew and Aramaic. You sound like you need a nap!

    • This is interesting, so I’ll help out with some attack comparisons for other readers:

      1954 attack was 5 Puerto Ricans who shot congressmen thinking it would help Puerto Rico become a country. No deaths. They all had 20 some years in jail before being commuted.

      1983 bombing of the capitol was by seven conspirators who actually were far-leftist. I guess they intentionally set the bomb so as not to kill. Explosion caused no structural damage, but about 1M in property damage. Wanted to scare politicians from promoting further military activity in Grenada and Lebanon. Various sentencing for different crimes and roles. The two commuted by Clinton had served around 12 years in jail.

      Interesting that our country used to have bonafide far-left violent groups. Who is accused of being that now, Bernie Sanders and AOC? Or.. err.. are transvetites grouping up and plotting how marginalize the rest of us? Does Antifa have a leader or any kind of real organization, do they do anything other than wave banners at protests and punch self-described Nazis?

      2021 capitol attack was an attempted coup by around 2000-2500 people to stop congress from formalizing Biden’s victory. Two attackers died of heart attack, one died from meth overdose, and one bled out after getting shot in shoulder when trying to reach the room congressmen were hiding in. Four police officers defending the capitol committed suicide months after the event, and one had died about 8 hours after the event from two strokes. 174 Officers injured.

      ~277 attackers were sentenced to prison. I’m too lazy to look up more detail as this is a lot of individuals. ~211 were released with President Trump’s pardon. Sentencing is spread out between 2022 and 2024- so at least 3 years served. Thankfully, 14 of the worst criminals were not pardoned (yet).

      So what I’ve learned in this little research trip: Out of the 3 attacks, 2021 had the largest goal – usurp the Country’s government and take control. It has the largest death count, crime count, injury count and was by far the most expensive. 30M in building damages. Over 2B in response cost and other related factors. Potentially aside from 14 people, it has the shortest jail times.

      Probably what disguinshes this the most among the 3 attacks, the president who pardoned the attackers is the central cause of the attack. At least so says the 814 page House report that took 18 months of investigation, interviewed over a 1000, and reviewed over a 1M pages of documents.

  • CNMI Lawyer

      01/28/2025 at 8:01 PM

    Keep in mind, Edwin, that in 2020, during Presdent Trump’s first term, Richard Grenell became the first gay Cabinet member when he was appointed acting Director of National Intelligence.

    In turn, President Biden appointed Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and made history when he became the first openly LGBTQ Cabinet official to win Senate confirmation in 2021.

    Now President Trump has appointed Scott Bessent as Treasury secretary, making him the highest-ranking LGBTQ official in the nation’s history.

    The Senate voted 68-29 Monday evening to confirm Bessent, 62, to lead the Department of the Treasury. He is the first openly LGBTQ person to hold the position, fifth in line to the presidency.

    There is no room for discrimination based on sexual orientation under our laws, nor under Christian principles. “They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, Para. 2358.

    We should be grateful that President Trump has taken the initiative in focusing on merit, not labels, leading by example in this regard.

  • 90 Proof Pelosi

      01/28/2025 at 11:46 PM

    Re; Zbbt

    I suggest you and anyone else go to the Jimmy Dore youtube channel and watch the video “All Jan 6 Charges DROPPED Against Actor Jay Johnston” to hear some interesting details that the left leaning liberal and biased fake news media won’t talk about.

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