On Friday Kandit’s Facebook ran a not so friendly discussion about myself and our pro-life group. I was busy over the weekend, like most people, and also didn’t have a computer to respond. Let me try and see if I can respond to Troy’s thoughts.
I am currently the Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee Chairman. There have been great chairmans before me and surely will be after me as we all serve on limited terms as per our Mission Statement. It’s actually a very busy job. We don’t just have meetings but we do a great deal of other things which involve not just abortion, but our main mission is to pray for conversion and change of hearts for people who do not understand the true harm of abortion, the death of a human being and the life long harm done to anyone involved in the abortion.
Our group can be seen out in the streets praying for an end to abortion or burying deceased abandoned babies and deceased unborn babies. Some of our members assist in the burial of unclaimed adults. Some of us are involved in food pantries for our brothers and sisters living in the streets or in substandard conditions. Some of us are involved in bereavement ministries or Faith Formation groups. We also are involved in Rachel’s Vineyards which offers post-abortion healing retreats for woman and men and families. We get involved with other Christian groups and work together to help anyone who needs help from before conception to after death. We hold pro-life conferences which present different wonderful volunteer groups which are out there everyday trying to improve and help and support all our brothers and sisters who need help (no matter what religion or ethnic background or belief they have).
Troy’s accusations that we have tunnelled and insulated ourselves from the larger and actual pro-life agenda has me confused. We don’t go out seeking recognition as we truly believe that life is from conception to natural death and beyond. So the media does not seek us out as we are not what they want to talk about in a positive light since we are pro-life.
Prior to Roe v Wade being overturned in June 2022 our committee discussed the ramifications of that happening. We all agreed that should Roe v Wade be overturned it would mean a lot of work for pro-life groups in each state and here on Guam. We did not think anything would be easy. As suspected, by April of 2023 the start of extreme abortion bills started coming out of the 37th Guam Legislature.
Bill No. 106-37 came out April 2023 by Tom Fisher and Tina Muna-Barnes. Then Bill No. 111-37 came out in May 2023 by William Parkinson. Both Bills were almost duplicate of each other and were extreme and harsh abortion bills. Both bills would make abortion up to birth legal. It would return partial birth abortions. Both bills implied that abortion was not legal here on Guam when it is.
On August 2, 2023 the 9th Circuit of Appeals put out an Opinion which stated that “in-person consultation” was needed before abortion. This stopped telemedicine abortions which were happening on Guam. The Opinion also went on to assert that abortion does not involve just one life, but two, the mother and the unborn baby.
On August 8, 2023, William Parkinson and Tom Fisher put out Bill No. 162-37. A bill that would change the law in regards to in-person consulting and this would make telemedicine abortions legal on Guam.
Each time I have had to go and testify against any of these bills, it seemed that the same people were coming out to testify in support of the bills. Same senators, same faces of supporters, etc.
Now to the current Doula issue which I believe is what has you Troy all upset about. In January of 2024 (this year), I was talking to an individual about the upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard retreat which offers post-abortive healing. I was then informed about abortion doulas who were on the island. I had never heard of a doula and mentioned it to the committee that there were abortion doulas on the island. I actually did research on them not only on Guam but in the United States. The particular group of doulas on island were headed by the Birthworkers of Color Collective which provides “full spectrum doula services”. In other words, they trained abortion doulas. I learned all this back in January of 2024. So when Bill No. 318-37 was introduced to give $400,00.00 to an unregulated and abortion training group, of course I was going to object.
Is it my fault that the same people supporting this bill are the same people supporting all the other abortion bills? Only this bill had many more sponsors which I actually tried to talk to the two who you claim are extremely pro-life senators. But because of the nature of abortion doulas which this group does not deny they do, I cannot sit back and not protest just because they are also adding that they will help women and children. They claim that the word abortion is never mentioned in the bill, but all news articles and interviews related to the group all openly talk about the hope for better abortion help because of the doulas. How are we supposed to turn our head and ignore this just because two senators are pro-lifers. And just because a senator who you, Troy Torres do not like, is Opposing this Bill 318-37, this upsets you.
Who is not being true to themselves here Troy? Pretty words, pretty doulas and a pretty picture which are all apart of this doula bill CANNOT hide the ugly truth of what this bill is going to do: Train Abortion Doulas.
Another issue Troy is that you claimed that I attacked at least two doulas. Shame on you Troy. I sent you on a private text (between you and myself) because you asked where I came up with the idea that they were training abortion doulas. I sent you on our private conversation, the “quoted” articles and words of the doulas from newspaper articles. Their words, not mine. I wasn’t attacking them, I was informing you as to what they said and not me. You claim that by my attack on these innocent young women is where I lost you as an advocate.
If you read or heard my testimony opposing this Bill 318-37, I asked that these resources of $400,000 be directed elsewhere to midwife programs, nursing programs, etc where these resources would help a larger variety of people. Also where a doula is trained in three (3) days versus a certified trained nurse or midwife who receive several years of medical training and be medically certified to assist in all medical needs.
You also mentioned a couple things which show me where you are truly coming from. Contrary to what you are saying, we don’t sit around and sing Trump’s name or wear MAGA hats that has made us paranoid and Trumpian politicians. We are too busy to do those things.
Then you brought up the story of the woman who died because Georgia law made laws against abortion. “The rest of the story…” The poor young mother went to another state to get abortion medication pills because her state has a law banning abortion. She took the medication and as stated as one of the warnings, sepsis is a possible side effect of taking medication abortion pills. The babies in the womb died but they didn’t come out. She developed sepsis and when she went to the hospital the doctors didn’t perform the necessary treatment she needed and her organs were already shutting down and she sadly died. It made no difference about the laws against abortion. It all points back to the dangers of abortion medication and medical malpractice on behalf of the hospital. You said that you are hearing crickets from the pro-life groups because of the deaths, when in fact the media is covering up the true story and the pro-life groups are grieving for the unnecessary deaths.
And you should note that according to the Committee Report of Bill 318-37, there were 617 people who OPPOSED this bill as there were only 14 people who supported it. Yet these senators who know that the public voters have voiced opposition to this bill, have now injected it into another Bill 355-37 trying to side-step the voting public thinking they are dumb and uninformed. Very sad.
While I have had to waste my time and energy on this letter I still have much to do. We are planning our Life Chain, burying an unclaimed brother/sister, having a Novena to the Unborn Jesus, doing our Prayer Warriors on Wednesday and planning our next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat in November 2024. And yes Troy, I still have you on my daily prayer sheet. Don’t get lost in politics, it will drag you down down down.
Respectfully submitted.
Sharon O’Mallan is the chairwoman of the Guam Catholic Pro-Life Committee and a resident of Agana Heights
Jayne Flores, BWA Director
09/24/2024 at 4:49 PM
Unfortunately, Ms. Sharon, you are misinformed about the true intent of the doula program, which is only to help women have healthier oregnancies and healthier babies. Period. We are not training “abortion doulas”. Doulas are trained in all aspects of childbirth – including if a woman is suffering a miscarriage. The true goal of this bill is to help women have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies, no matter what you say or believe. It is unfortunate that you are so misinformed about this valuable program.
Timothy Rohr
09/24/2024 at 9:27 PM
Then, Ms. Jayne, put that in the bill: no dollars to train abortion doulas.
Viola Acfalle
09/29/2024 at 9:28 AM
Ms. Jayne,
Birthworkers of Color Collective, I’m afraid, is not the best business choice to do doula here. But since you, Tom Fisher, and Stevie all are assured that Lou LG will embrace the project and Bill 318’s passage, there is the “unborn population “ that will never benefit the fruits of the training. Your Collective “reproductive justice” espousal is the elephant in the room. Babies unwanted, about 60 plus on Guam in 2022 and 2023, met their demise in their mothers’ womb, and in the privacy of some restroom, were flushed down the toilet. The success of medication abortion. Deliberate miscarriages. So sad for these mothers and their dead unborn children. Yes, yes, all you women supporters of Bill 318, at its
Hearing, replied “no “to Chris Duenas’s query whether abortion has anything to do with the Bill. I apologize; the exact question escapes me. Then why even dabble with abortion doula training some 13 women had undergone in December 2023?
Bill 318’s Author Fisher pointed
out a definite truth on page 2 first paragraph. His reference to FETAL death rates decline when prenatal care accompanies the mother with child is conditional with Mr. Fisher. He so stated at the hearing where we divide. Pro the sanctity of all life from conception versus mother’s right to kill her unborn.
BWofCC is with the latter. Maybe looking for good doula services will make no mean no, if truly no help for mothers in the process of killing their unborn.