Suspicion Mounts On OAG Meth Case; Governor Could Appoint Special Counsel If Conflict Arises

The Guam Police Department’s spokeswoman says that if the Office of the Attorney General attempts to influence any of the investigators in the meth case involving the OAG, those detectives…

Guam Effectively Without Functioning AG; Current Office Holder Is Corrupt, Incompetent, and Constantly Losing Criminal Prosecutions

Opinion by Peter J. Santos for Kandit News & Views Dear People of Guam, our island has effectively been without an attorney general since January of 2023. Allow me to…

The War Between Doug Moylan and Lou Leon Guerrero; Public Auditor Considering Investigation

Attorney Peter Santos is calling on the public auditor to investigate Douglas Moylan on the heels of the governor’s accusations of nepotism and corruption at the Office of the Attorney…
