As we continue to work our way closer to the general election there are two things to always remember.
First, make sure you get out and cast your ballot in the upcoming election.
You will be deciding what type of governance you want for the next four years as well as the type of community you want for you and your family.
Secondly, (for those seeking re-election) for the good of yourself, your children and Guam’s future only vote for incumbents who have, by word, deed and most importantly, action, made Guam a safer, more drug free and better place for us all.
Do not vote for the people that have done little more than line their own pockets or enriched their own lives with tax dollars at the long-term expense of the people of Guam.
If you are voting for new candidates look closely at their community (non-paid) public service record to see what they have personally accomplished for the people of Guam.
What have they contributed that has made you or your friends and family’s lives as well as Guam a safer and better place in which to live?
Since they are vying for public office, what have they done to make life better for the community while not in public office? Can that translate into making Guam better if they were to be placed in public office?
If currently in public office, have they shown – by deed and action – they REALLY and TRULY want change? Have they fought for and created a better Guam? Have they worked to improve the overall quality of life for the vast majority of the people of Guam?
Or, have they simply followed the political partyline and played follow the leader running our island community into an economic and social abyss while living off your hard-earned tax dollars and lining their own pockets?
Once again, your votes count and should be taken extremely seriously because the future of Guam as a whole rest in the outcome.
Make sure they truly deserve your precious vote.
Ask yourself, is Guam really a better, safer and a more economical place in which to live than it was four years ago because of these incumbents?
Is there less crime in our community?
Are drug problems and, family violence less of a problem than they were four years ago?
Are there more or fewer foster homes needed? If the answer is more, is it being driven by more family violence and the ever-expanding and growing drug problem?
Do you feel safer in your home or walking the streets or do you feel more vulnerable?
Are the public schools you send your children to cleaner and safer places than they were four years ago?
What about the Department of Corrections? What has been done there in the last four years to plan for and design a new department of corrections?
Has anything actually been done or are we using it as an excuse for allowing the current catch and release program to continue?
A situation where criminals know they currently face little chance of facing long term incarceration? If any incarceration at all!
What about Guam Memorial Hospital and the long-term medical service problems that this community has faced? What has really been accomplished in the past four years to resolve this problem?
A problem that has placed the health and welfare of our people at risk, resurrecting the old Get Me to Hawaii phrase?
Or what about the long overdue improvements that were promised for hospital’s obstetrics department that have fallen by the wayside? Or the very serious need for more obstetricians to care for our pregnant mothers and babies? What is being done?
What will it take before we as a community draw the line in the sand and say we have had enough of the political promises? We want action to address the myriad of public service problems that have plagued our island home for far too long?
Look at the U.S. mainland and the terrible drug, crime, violence, family violence, immigration and general deterioration of the economy and ask yourself, is that what we want for Guam?
If your answer to those questions is NO then it is time to vote smarter, stop falling for the political empty promises that you have been given for years and demand results from the people you elect into public office and who work for YOU.
Empty political promises are nothing more than that, empty promises.
What has been done in the last four years to make a Guam a better, safer, and a more drug free family environment in which to raise your children and grandchildren?
In fewer than three weeks you are going to have the opportunity to move Guam forward.
You will have the opportunity to make change and then hold those elected officials’ feet to the fire to make the type of change needed to make Guam great again.
As voters you will have the opportunity to set a new course for Guam and bring it back to the kinder, gentler, safer, more family-oriented island we all knew and loved.
It is time to throw open the doors of government and clean house.
Vote for a better, safer, more drug free, efficientand family conscious government of Guam.
It is time for change.
Lee P. Webber is a businessman and civic advocate, the former publisher of the Pacific Daily News, a former president and publisher of the Honolulu Advertiser, and a former director of operations for USA Today International/Asia.