Congratulations on getting through one week without methamphetamine. You should now be completely sober and detoxed physically, but not free from the addiction. The constant feeling of wanting to use meth likely will continue for several more weeks. Everyone is different.
You could be blessed with a brain function that spares you from urges. Or, like most people who have abstained successfully for long periods of time, it will be the first three months that you’ll feel like you’re in a wilderness of recovery.
The long-term use of meth essentially rewires many of the key ways you respond to things. For example, you might notice now that you’re sober a change in your senses of smell and taste. You’re definitely lethargic from all that sleeping you did. Hungry, I’m sure. Don’t freak out if common human functions and impulses you once had seem dormant. You might not have a desire for sex. Music you once loved to listen to while you were high might sound ridiculous or even annoying to you now.
None of this means you’re boring or there’s something wrong with you. Your brain is just figuring it all out. Go with the flow.
“The longer someone takes meth, and the higher the dosage, the more severely dependent on the drug they are likely to be,” an article from the American Addiction Centers states. “A high level of dependence means that withdrawal will be difficult. Meth is highly addictive, and the emotional lows and severe drug cravings associated with its use can make relapse highly likely.”
Now that you’ve succeeded in going meth-free for a week – the acute phase of the journey of sobriety – things get a lot easier, but you’re still highly susceptible to peer pressure and to making stupid decisions that will lead to relapse.
Here are some things to consider doing, the first two of which you ABSOLUTELY NEED TO DO:
- You can use your phone again, but keep apps like Facebook and Instagram messengers, Snapchat, Tinder, and Grindr off your phone. Delete WhatsApp, too, if ANY of your meth friends and family have your number. CHANGE YOUR PHONE NUMBER IMMEDIATELY.
- Stay away from your “friends” and family who are addicts. You can talk to them again when you’re emotionally, mentally, and spiritually fit again. That could be any where from three months to three years, in my personal experience. They won’t miss you. They’ll be too busy using meth and dying.
- If you can’t stay away from friends and family who use meth, make a plan to leave the island and relocate to the states. Get out of here as soon as possible.
- Write down the names of every person you want to ask for forgiveness. Keep this list for when the time is right.
- Catch up on the news. I mean, it’s all the same crap, but catch up anyway. Also as a side note: Your one week of sobriety beats all the politicians’ lifetime of lying. Perspective.
- Update all your IDs.
- Start looking for a job.
- Cook for your family; or, learn to cook from your family.
- Read a book; check out the Holy Bible, too.
- Garden.
- Volunteer at a charity while you’re waiting for one of your job applications to hit the jackpot.
- Walk into your neighborhood church. The nicest people you’ll ever meet are there. The pastor absolutely wants to help you. It’s his whole job and nothing makes him happier than when people with problems and so much pain in their hearts turn to Jesus for help.