The Ginger Cruz endorsement that speaks to me as a voter

Our friend Michael San Nicolas could have sat back and sat out of the general election after losing his primary election contest to Ginger Cruz. He could have been a sore loser and campaigned against his fellow Democrat who now faces Republican incumbent Jim Moylan for Guam’s non-voting delegate seat to the U.S. House of Representatives. He could have cut a deal with Mr. Moylan to endorse him in exchange for some special consideration. He could have cut a deal with Ms. Cruz.

Instead, since about a week after the primary election, Mr. San Nicolas has been vocal and honest in his critical assessment of Mr. Moylan’s failures in office. He has told the public about the omens of keeping the Republican incumbent in office. And last week, in a surprise move to even those of us closest to him, he endorsed Ms. Cruz and asked voters to consider voting for her for a number of reasons.

Say no more, Mike. I trust you. I believe you. And I’m going to vote for Ginger Cruz.

In his latest rebuke of Mr. Moylan, San Nicolas touched on a question of character that should raise red flags about our current representative in Congress. Example after example in a Facebook post published today, Mr. San Nicolas went over the several times Mr. Moylan and his staff were dishonest with the people of Guam. From Moylan’s ethics troubles to failure with compact impact funding to his ass kissing of some of the most extreme Republicans that led to the potential siphoning of defense funding from Guam and the CNMI, our current congressman and his office have not been honest with the people of Guam.

No matter how much the Moylan campaign and the Republican Party of Guam try to pretty up his resume, the overwhelming evidence shows that their effort is like a kid who Photoshops his failing progress report so his parents won’t be mad at him. What evidence? For starters, try the thousands of Reddit and YouTube comments from throughout the country of our fellow Americans ridiculing and bashing Guam because of Mr. Moylan’s inability to staple together coherent sentences on the House floor. You can put lipstick on a pig…

Mr. San Nicolas took aim at this in a previous publication directed at Moylan, when he said, “You claim you have all these members of congress supporting you when none of that support has actually resulted in anything for Guam, and all of them are happy to endorse you because you roll over and give away Guam and our future just to get these for political purposes. You mislead the people with how awful you are at actually representing them by hiding the videos and recordings of all of your hearings and unscripted speaking opportunities because it’s so bad that even ordinary Americans are commenting on YouTube at how awful it is. You mislead the people during Mawar going around holding up FEMA supplies like you brought them here when we actually have not had any supplemental support from the Congress for that storm, while so much more support rolls out now for storms on the east coast. You even held up a water box and told people if they need water to call their mayor!”

Mr. San Nicolas has nothing to gain from these rebukes of Mr. Moylan and his endorsement of Ms. Cruz. I surmise he’s just been through so much these past two years of ugliness in politics that have hurt his family that he’s just sick and tired of liars getting away with lies. Same, Mike. Same.


Here are Mr. San Nicolas’ posts regarding both Mr. Moylan and Ms. Cruz:

On October 16, in response to a post by Mr. Moylan that accused Ms. Cruz of making false promises:

Well let’s see Jim:
You said losing Compact Impact was the fault of my time in office when it was entirely lost under your watch, in legislation you voted for.
You said you were going to deliver radiation exposure compensation and you failed to have your own committee designees follow through for you in conference.
You said you were helping vets get adapted vehicles with a bill to pay for shipping but you never told them that the amount covered to pay for the vehicle itself isn’t even enough. (Yea this is a straight up lie to vets).
You said over and over in your address that you brought millions for public safety but you never once mentioned that you lost so much more that went to public safety every year in the compact impact you gave away.
You said over and over and have on your campaign signs that you brought in $3Billion on military spending to Guam but all of that money was Bordallo buildup money and my missile defense money.
You campaign that Guams budget surpluses are supposedly from these same funds but none of that actually has come into Guam because the contracts for those amounts haven’t even been issued yet. Every penny of Guam surplus from federal monies is all from federal monies Bordallo and I brought into Guam.
You claim you have all these members of congress supporting you when none of that support has actually resulted in anything for Guam, and all of them are happy to endorse you because you roll over and give away Guam and our future just to get these for political purposes.
You mislead the people with how awful you are at actually representing them by hiding the videos and recordings of all of your hearings and unscripted speaking opportunities because it’s so bad that even ordinary Americans are commenting on YouTube at how awful it is.
You mislead the people during mawar going around holding up fema supplies like you brought them here when we actually have not had any supplemental support from the Congress for that storm, while so much more support rolls out now for storms on the east coast. You even held up a water box and told people if they need water to call their mayor!
And as for misleading our manamko:
You’re going around posting pictures of Underwood and Bordallo acting like they are supporting you when they are not, trying to mislead their generations into supporting you.
That. All that. Is disgusting.
The people should not vote for you under any circumstance, and I really hope Responsible
Republicans and Independents do the right thing.
– Michael F.Q. San Nicolas

On October 24, in response to Mr. Moylan attacking Ms. Cruz over a platform prong entitled “Professionalism”:

It’s really embarrassing when you put out an official press release defending the “professionalism” of your office and embed an outright, unprofessional statement right in the middle of it.
Don’t take my word for it, just read what James put out in his own press release below, specifically item 2 – right in the middle – where he says:
“They secured over $3.2 billion in investments in 2024, which has resulted in excess tax collections that will improve local government services.”
Hmmm…let’s see James….
1) Of that $3.2 billion, 95% of it was made up of Bordallo Buildup money and my missile defense money that were all commitments secured before you took office. We could have elected a ham sandwich and would still have received those sums.
2) To claim these funds have “resulted in excess tax collections” for Guam is either just an attempted blatant untruth to mislead voters, or a woefully ignorant statement on how government finance works, because NONE of these funds have actually been awarded or spent – the NDAA is an authorization act that initiates a process, and the resulting process takes months and years for that spend to actually materialize into a taxable event. So, to put it simply, NONE of that money is responsible for the current excess tax collections Guam is enjoying.
Word of advice, if you’re going to put out a press release defending your professionalism, make sure it’s professional.
– Michael F.Q. San Nicolas

On October 26, when he decided to publicly endorse Ms. Cruz:

Make sure you vote Guam.
And don’t be misled or manipulated. Competence matters, and it makes all the difference when it comes to real outcomes.
I’m excited to see Ginger Cruz channel all of her tenacity to make things happen again in Congress for our island and people.
– Michael F.Q. San Nicolas

And today, when he had one more thing to say to Mr. Moylan, this time regarding an ad where the congressman tries to appeal to voters by saying he is more known to them than Ms. Cruz is:

Actually James, we don’t know you.
We didn’t know you could barely articulate a coherent thought on your own. You and Bobby hid it well while you were in the Legislature but it was shockingly obvious all of a sudden when you had the responsibility in Congress. Sadly the whole country saw it and it has been so embarrassing for Guam there’s even comments on YouTube and Reddit.
We didn’t know either that you would sell out our island like you did with Amendment 3661 in the NDAA that gave away billions in future investment into Guam with the Pacific Deterrence initiative, all so you could get “endorsements” that really weren’t worth anything because none of that support ever showed up to save Compact Impact, pass Radiation Exposure Compensation, or even just get us a basic supplemental after Typhoon Mawar.
We didn’t know that you were incapable of making any decisions on your own and sticking with it because you actually let Bobby Shringi run everything to the point that you had to paint your office two different colors because Bobby wanted one and you wanted another, and then only to hear so much talk going around that you even let Bobby use your official identification pin and pretend to be a congressman so he could sit in meetings you did not attend…a major security violation.
We didn’t know that you were straight up dishonest, trying to blame the previous Congress for the millions you’ve lost, and then trying to act like the work of the previous Congresses was you’re own, as if $3.2 Billion Dollars all of a sudden was authorized for Guam just because you showed up – those monies were all Bordallo buildup money and my missile defense money and the only thing you actually achieved was spending authorizations that got cancelled because you failed to get actual appropriations for them, and a bill to subsidize shipping adaptive vehicles for Vets that they can never use because the amount available to pay for the vehicles was nowhere near enough to cover the actual cost.
We didn’t know that you would be absolutely mute as a Congressman on local issues impacting our island, hoping instead everyone stays quiet as things come undone under your watch and taking photo ops so you can pretend everyone is endorsing you when they are not, or better off “getting along” rather than fighting to make things better. I’ll never forget that ad you ran when you were first running for Congress “I’m Jim Moylan and I’ll fight for you!” Yea. Never happened.
We didn’t know that you would run a campaign like this. Nuanced with dirt trying to attack and insinuate something wrong with others while deflecting and disguising the very real shortcomings and setbacks Guam has suffered in just two years of you being in that office.
One thing we do know about you Jim, is that you are really really out of your depth serving as Guam’s lone representative in Congress.
We need someone we KNOW is going to be effective in there. Democrat, Republican, or Independent, deep down we KNOW we need someone dynamic who can be convincing and assertive and have a solid grasp of the issues and what’s at stake.
Deep down if we are going to be honest, we all know that person is not James Moylan.
Please vote wisely Guam. We only have one Congressional representative, billions of dollars in opportunities on the line for us, and so much that needs to be done to help our island and our people.
– Michael F.Q. San Nicolas


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