War, Trump, politics, and Jim

[NOTE: I am well aware this editorial will piss off a lot of democrats and republicans; but I don’t care.]

There is no longer rhyme or reason to the positions politicians are taking except for four categories of American jeopardy:

The insanely idiotic far left;

Democrats trying to hold on for dear life to power;

Republicans trying to keep their party from falling into the abyss; and

The insanely idiotic far right.

Donald Trump and the far left sharing compliments for Hamas as its war with Israel escalates almost is as ironic as it is saddening and regrettable.

So is any support for Russian aggression (read: war) against Ukraine; or, by extension, non-support for Ukrainians fighting that aggression.

So is any support by anyone in the Indo-Pacific for Mr. Trump’s comments that Guam “Isn’t America” in the context of his foreign policy beliefs regarding nuclear threats in this region.

So is any support for Hawaiian, Californian, and southeastern democrats who have been chiefly responsible for defense of the antiquated Jones Act and what it has done to our economy.

So is any support for southeastern republicans to move some funding for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative to their home states.

Yet we have a democrat governor who will toe the line for her party, no matter its economic impact to our island. And we have a republican congressman who will bend over for the most wicked republicans at the expense of Indo-Pacific security.

I’m not even sure what political game or strategy Jim Moylan is employing in Washington, but it sure is not to our benefit. On the one hand he has been the loyal Trumpist, where those positions have chipped away at our security at home and have counted Guam as having cast votes for some of the most bigoted propositions in Congress in 50 years.

On the other hand – and while a real crisis of leadership ensues in the U.S. House of Representatives – he has turned his back on Mr. Trump by publicly supporting Steve Scalise for speaker rather than Mr. Trump’s pick: Jim Jordan.

Just an hour ago, Reuters and other national networks were reporting that Mr. Jordan had picked up more support. Trump pick or not, I wonder if Mr. Moylan is aware that when Guam needed to be included in key appropriations during the Michael San Nicolas era, it was Mr. Jordan who stood up for Guam.

And, now, Guam via Mr. Moylan, has turned its back on Mr. Jordan. That’s not something people in power forget. We’re screwed now if that man becomes speaker of the House.

Some of our local politicians have a tendency to be enamored by the glitz of their nationally-popular “friends” in Washington, so much so that common sense and a concern for what is right and what is right for Guam just goes out the door.

I really don’t know about all these other issues that keep people in the country fighting between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. But I do know the American military historically has been averse to engaging on more than two major fronts of conflict. Whatever anyone’s political stripes are, put them away. There is a war in Ukraine. There is a war in Israel. They both have to be won decisively and against terrorism and aggression.

And they have to be won before someone in this region decides to involve America on a third front. God willing and by a sudden change in Mr. Moylan’s posture from politics, Guam will be ready, valued, and defended.


  • Low gas prices, food prices, low mortgage interest rates, etc. no wars, no open borders! I voted for Trump because he wasn’t a corrupt career politician! What he campaigned on was exactly what he accomplished in just 4 years, unlike the corrupt career politicians that need 30-40 years to fix and yet look at GMH, our infrastructure! The typhoon proved that! GPA’s incompetence. Next is GWA’s infrastructure that is so old, that’s the next political empty campaign promises by these corrupt politicians to fix. I don’t vote based on a party, or because of their gender, or I like them personally, or I just hate the other candidates. That is our problem! We vote with emotion! Even when I voted for Trump, I still held him accountable. In closing, ask yourself this, how does a elected public servant become millionaires? Look at Nancy Pelosi! Talk about insider trading! Look at GMH, schools, infrastructure, etc. year after year, campaign after campaign, “same sh*t different day”. By the way, how is the government supposed to fix anything when 95% of taxes collected go to payroll? Govguam is not an employment agency! But these corrupt politicians use our hard earned tax dollars to buy votes by making it an employment agency.

  • “He is a patriot, an America First warrior who wins the toughest of fights,” Republican Representative Elise Stefanik said as she nominated Jordan for speaker on the House floor.

    But multiple Republicans voted instead for McCarthy or Steve Scalise, the No. 2 House Republican whose own bid for speaker fell apart last week, or picked other candidates

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