By Mabel Doge Luhan
Making an airplane is hard! So when China built the “Chinese” Comac C919, they copied the fuselage from Airbus and the engines from GE.
Making an operating system is also hard. So when China made the “Chinese” HarmonyOS, they just copied an old version of Android, not even bothering to take out the original Android developers’ internal notes and documentation.
Even making propaganda videos is hard! So when China made a propaganda video about “China’s awesome air power,” they used footage from Top Gun and other American movies.
Making a newspaper is also hard! But that’s not really a problem for the Saipan Chinese News. For their December 22 issue — and every other issue of their newspaper I checked — their weekly “newspaper” contains two or three original articles specific to Saipan. Everything else in their “newspaper” is plagiarized word-for-word from other newspapers. The images and graphics they print are also stolen.
It’s not an isolated incident. It’s every non-Saipan-specific article in every edition of their newspaper I’ve checked, going back several years. It’s all 100% plagiarized. With no attribution. All the plagiarized content is presented as their own original content.
That’s also (in my opinion!) why the Saipan Chinese News website displays the text of their newspaper as graphical images, not as text: they think they’re so clever and no one will discover their plagiarism if they just convert everything to images instead of text. Chagi Mabel, nei.
Why should we care that the Saipan Chinese News is all plagiarized, if we don’t even read that rag? Well, I’m a retired busybody who’s still salty that her grandchildren never visit, so I care about everything that doesn’t affect me!
But beyond that, we have two very good reasons to care.
First, about 80% of the Saipan Chinese News’s plagiarized content comes from official propaganda outlets run by the Chinese Communist Party. So the Saipan Chinese News is publishing and promoting propaganda from a hostile foreign government — without having registered as a foreign agent, as required by federal law. 22 U.S.C. § 612(a). Please also see:
Second, the other 20% or so of the Saipan Chinese News’s plagiarized content comes from non-China-based (US, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan) Chinese-language newspapers — who own the rightful copyrights on their content. Plagiarizing that content is not only the most unethical thing a journalist or newspaper publisher can do, but it’s also plainly illegal. Felony stuff. 17 U.S.C. § 506(a). So we have a criminal enterprise operating in Saipan. Please also see:
How do I know the Saipan Chinese News hasn’t legally paid for that content? First, LOL. Second, because if they were legally licensing that content, they’d have to attribute it to the source — which they don’t do. The Saipan Chinese News copies that copyrighted content from the people who worked hard at producing it, and passes it off as their own content. And as soon as I finish my morning schlick, I’m going to call those copyright owners and let them know! (I’ve already saved the images of several issues of the Saipan Chinese News, in case they take down the website.)
Just like Rafet with his Bose headphones, I have the receipts! Here are the non-Saipan-specific (and therefore, all plagiarized) articles from the December 22nd Saipan Chinese News ( ) :
Dead fish article was plagiarized from the Tokyo New Youth, a Chinese government propaganda outlet reporting on Japan:
China e-commerce article was plagiarized from Global Times, a Chinese government propaganda outlet:
Western Regions (what they call Central Asia) article was plagiarized from Sohu, a Chinese government propaganda outlet:
Emigration to Mexico article was plagiarized from Global Times, a Chinese government propaganda outlet:
Chinese tourism to Turkey article was plagiarized from Global Times, a Chinese government propaganda outlet:
Global tourism article was plagiarized from China Central Television, a Chinese government propaganda outlet:
College graduate entrepreneur article was plagiarized from First Financial, a Chinese government propaganda outlet:
Biden too old article was plagiarized from the BBC:
Train tickets article was plagiarized from Sing Tao (a Canadian newspaper):
Putin article was plagiarized from Sing Tao USA, an American newspaper:
Rudy Giuliani article was plagiarized from VOA Chinese (an American news organization):
Michelle Wu article was plagiarized from China Times (a Taiwanese newspaper):
Mexico-US border article was plagiarized from CNA (a Taiwanese news organization):
Maybe the company behind Saipan Chinese News (Yu Tian Corporation, also calling itself Power Young Publishing) will claim they didn’t know about copyrighted content. That, of course, would call into question the legitimacy of their immigration applications, claiming to have hired highly skilled and experienced news professionals — who ran a newspaper in the US for 20+ years and have never heard of copyrights?
Stay tuned for the next episode! The Saipan Chinese News December 29th issue is due out tomorrow!
Mabel Doge Luhan is a woman of loose morals. She resides in Kagman V, where she pursues her passions of crocheting, beatboxing, and falconry.
Imelda Tanapino
12/28/2023 at 10:24 PM
Have you only discovered now that China 2023 is not the China before their “pandemic”?
Are you ready now to bow in the proper TAN manner, mannerly – don’t forget your barbaric manners, little saipan girl.
Imelda Tanapino
12/29/2023 at 12:43 AM
My Korean friend who works for Microsoft told me that M$ estimates that 99.9% copies of Windows in China are counterfeit.
My Italian friend told me that most Gucci bags and shoes, worldwide, are Chinese counterfeits.
Some people are aware of the Chinese bit coin farms – most are not.
Anyway, like the Imperial Japanese army used Filipinos, and the Spanish Conquistadors used Filipinos, so is the Chinese Tan Enterprises (owns Micronesia Mall, many GovGuam politicians and has links to gambling and government corruption in Saipan) using Filipinos, even the murdering thug type of colonizing Filipinos.