Barnett pushing for first GDOE maintenance budget in decades; 24 schools to open Thursday; Remainder to go back to school next Thursday

Chris Barnett wants senators to set aside at least $10 million every year for the Guam Department of Education to use exclusively for deferred and preventative maintenance of the schools.…

GDOE provides details on school openings; Governor starts school readiness effort; Barnett to push $10M maintenance budget for schools

Twenty three public schools definitely will open this Thursday, August 15. And by the end of next week, according to Guam Department of Education leaders, every public school student will…

IN DEPTH: Sorting through the latest public school crisis, and the rhetoric of leaders blaming each other

The government of Guam’s elected officials spent Friday in a battle for political control of its largest agency – the Guam Department of Education – but are no where closer…

Camacho tells all: Politics, retribution, lies, micromanagement from school board to Adelup

Joann G. Camacho, who recently resigned as the deputy superintendent of finance and administration of the Guam Department of Education, wrote a tell-all about her experience with an allegedly politically-charged…
