3 Bishops, Several Priests and Catholic Church Lay Officials Named in Archdiocese Sex Scandal Disclosure

[Author’s disclosure: I am one of the victims and claimants in this case.] All three of the Mariana Islands’ only Chamorro bishops, and several priests were named by clergy sex…

Priest in Guam “dumped” here after sex scandal, archdiocese remains silent after report in The Times

Guam Catholic Church officials – once again – are being silent about allegations involving at least one priest accused of sexual misconduct. Kandit on September 7 emailed Archbishop Ryan Jimenez…

Troy Talks: Episode 23 • Kids today and the sex, pornography, drugs, and violence we’ve normalized for them

I worry about kids growing up today. A couple of recent crime reports appear to show very young teens having sexual relationships with men in their 30s, some running away…
